Yesterday was Earth Day and I’ve been thinking about how I can do more. I wonder if you’ve been feeling as I have: frustrated, scared, overwhelmed by overfishing, plastic in the oceans, fracking, overpopulation, climate change, habitat destruction, and species decline. Why do so many of our politicians seem more concerned about personal wealth and corporate profits than our health and well-being? This feels like idiocy that I am powerless to change. Or is it?
We can make a difference! That thought led me to another empowering thought which was the inspiration behind my desire to take action. But I need your help.
According to the Union of Concerned Scientists, “Our personal vehicles are a major cause of global warming. Collectively, cars and trucks account for nearly one-fifth of all US emissions, emitting around 24 pounds of carbon dioxide and other global-warming gases for every gallon of gas.”
Carpooling helps. As does the switch to electric vehicles. But “zero tailpipe emissions does not mean zero carbon emissions for the travel.” We need fewer cars on the road. Period.
Here’s my Earth Day challenge to you: One day a week, beginning this week, take a car moratorium. If you think that’s not possible, please think again. With spring upon us, why not walk or bike to wherever you need to go, just one day a week. Or plan your work, errands, and social time to fit into the other six days of your week, and stay home on the 7th. Whether that becomes a day of rest or a day of housecleaning, gardening, and hobbies, one day at home can be a treasure.
Change starts with our thinking. I invite you to think differently about how you can contribute, right now, to making a positive impact on our environment. One small change made by many can alter our destiny. Make an Earth Day resolution today!